The road to riches for Dan McCormick was, and is, paved with PRINCIPLES and HABITS.
Dan's journey began at the age of nineteen as a young man focused on building a secure financial future. Armed with only his personal convictions and an intense desire to improve his chances of success, Dan was determined to beat the odds.
Having grown up in a humble, single parent home and facing a world where a college degree was the ticket required for financial success, Dan McCormick took the road less traveled.
A self-made millionaire at the age of twenty-two, just three years after he took his first step into the direct sales industry, Dan had traveled farther and faster in life than most of his peers. People had become his focus, not for what he could take from them, but for what he could give to them.
Dan learned to LISTEN to the experts, to those who knew more than he did in his industry. He discovered that helping other people reach their financial and personal goals is what propelled him forward towards his own. With an unbridled enthusiasm, he has built a business that has generated over a billion dollars in worldwide sales.
A self-made millionaire at the age of twenty-two, just three years after he took his first step into the direct sales industry, Dan had traveled farther and faster in life than most of his peers. People had become his focus, not for what he could take from them, but for what he could give to them.
Dan learned to LISTEN to the experts, to those who knew more than he did in his industry. He discovered that helping other people reach their financial and personal goals is what propelled him forward towards his own. With an unbridled enthusiasm, he has built a business that has generated over a billion dollars in worldwide sales.
Where does his drive come from? How does he stay motivated and focused on the road ahead? What maps does he use to navigate the seemingly endless dead ends and detours in life that can take a person off course?
The answer lies within his MISSION in life: To INSPIRE individuals to align their lives with PURPOSE, RESPONSIBILITY, VISION, and PRINCIPLES of greatness.
As Dan's son-in-law, I can promise you he not only teaches such a mission, but tries to live by his mission every day of his life. I firmly believe this has been and is the key to his success. Dan lives by EXAMPLE, he PRACTICES what he preaches. Thus, it comes to no surprise that I and many others want to emulate him, be him, and BECOME like him; not only as a businessman and leader, but as a husband and father.
As lucky as I am to have the privilege of being Dan's son-in-law, I've had the amazing opportunity of living under the same roof as him for the past year. It's been an amazing journey and life changing. I've received priceless ADVICE and COUNCEL from him as a father-in-law and as a partner in business. Most of this blog is going to be about LESSONS, PRINCIPLES, and HABITS Dan's taught me and others GREATS like him that I feel the rest of the world should be aware of too.