Perhaps friends and family, gifts, toys, candy, chocolates, milk and
cookies for Santa Clause, snow, rain, beaches and a nice sunny day,
maybe even all of the above.
What is one of the most important items that almost all families make sure they have in their homes during this marvelous season? A Christmas tree of course!
Lets talk about a Christmas tree. Its not just any ordinary tree nor is it treated as such. Where do YOU tend to put it? Is it not out in your front entry for all to see when they first enter your home, how about in your front window for all to see who pass by? Perhaps you might even have 2 or more Christmas trees spread throughout your house including one in the family room.
My point is that we tend to put our Christmas trees where they can be seen. We want it to be the central focal point in our homes. We may also spend countless hours and lots of money beautifully decorating this special tree with lights, family pictures, special ornaments and bows, and an angel or star on top. Once finished, an ordinary pine tree transforms into a beautiful masterpiece which I believe to be highly symbolic.
Christ's language is one of symbols and it is my belief that your Christmas tree is far more than meets the eye. If we analyze the word Christmas we get 2 words CHRIST and MAS. In Spanish MAS means 'more', thus Christmas can be defined as a season where there is "MORE CHRIST". To me a Christmas tree symbolizes the very individual whose name it bears, Christ, and would thus, take on a whole new meaning. Just think...
- Is it not this very tree that we gather around Christmas Eve to read the Christmas Story(Christ's Birth)?
- Is it not this very tree that is a bearer of gifts…GOOD gifts?
- Is it not this very tree that lights up a room casting out darkness?
- Is it not this tree that mends and heals the broken hearted, that gives one peace, joy, and happiness in times of despair?
Of course it is all of these things! The list could go on and on.
Let us ask ourselves this question. Is Christ only a central focal point in
our homes and in our daily lives at Christmas time, similar to our
Christmas trees which we put up during its season to be enjoyed but a
short while, only to be taken down and forgotten until next season? Or is
Christ in our minds and heart DAILY?
I remember as a child, it seemed a miracle to wake up Christmas
morning seeing 2 to 3 times as many presents as there were the night
before. A Christmas tree is always a bearer of good gifts and so too is
Christ. He is the ultimate bearer of good gifts. However, we do not
always deserve the gifts we receive. Due to their unconditional love, our
parents like Christ, still give and we take despite our follies .
This brings us back to my original question, "How can we make sure that
we live Christ centered lives each and every day?" May I suggest that
we start by emulating the Saviour in being bearers of good gifts
The Wise-men came to Christ with the very best gifts they had, gifts fit
for a King: gold, frankincense, and mer. So what kind of gifts can you
give in your daily life that are not only fit for a king or a God, but for
your family, friends, and neighbors?
May I suggest a few. May we bring this Christmas season and everyday
to all around us the gifts of PATIENCE, GRATITUDE, and CHARITY.