Nu Skin (Better than Botox)

Nu Skin, a 25 year old, $1.35 billion annual company has tapped into the Ultimate Sources of Aging.
Nu Skin has over 130 different full-time phD level scientists and is collaborated with 100 plus different universities, such as Purdue and UCLA. They work around the clock to make sure they are up to date with the latest and greatest technological innovations in the nutrition and anti-aging realm. In fact, just this past year, Nu Skin added to their list scientists from Stanford University and the University of Wisconson-Madison(Lifegen).
Nu Skin is taking the science of anti-aging by a storm and to a whole new level. With years of research and $2.7 billion dollars, the greatest discovery do date was made since Watson and Crick's discovery of the double helix. In April or 2003 the human genome project was finally complete informing us that we are made up of 20,000 - 25,000 genes. When news of its completion was out, Nu Skin made sure to put their scientists to work trying to discover which genes were responsible for aging.
I'm pleased to announce that the search need not go on. Nu Skin, with its ageLOC patent pending technology is the first to discover the exact genes responsible for aging. With such technology, Nu Skin is able to detect the over 400 age related genes responsible for the aging appearance targeting specific age related super markers or arSuperMarkers.
These asSuperMarkers each target specific youth related genes called, Youth Gene Clusters. Nu Skin has the only science that can detect these clusters and make the needed changes or reset them to their original youthful patterns of activity.This is how the ageLOC technology works.
Change Your Skin 8 Ways in 7 Days
The wait is finally over. ageLOC is BETTER than BOTOX. Your skin will never look, feel, or be the same with Nu Skins new ageLOC Transformation system. The only system in the world that has the ability to RESET all your genes responsible for aging. Literally, change your skin 8 ways in 7 days. See chart below for details.
* 8 Ways in 7 Days chart still to come*
How does this technology actually work?
The figures shown are actual representations of what human Youth Gene Clusters wold look like using microarray technology and mammalian(human) tissue. As you can see in Figure 1 and Figure 2 the control group is a different color that the reset group. The control group in Figure 1 shows us what the Youth Genes of a middle-aged individual may look like. The reset group in Figure 1 would represent what a child or teenagers youth gene clusters would look like.
By analyzing the Legend-Heatmap or light spectrum diagram below we learn; the more a color changes from yellow to red the gene is upregulated and as the color changes from yellow to blue a gene is downregulated. Using this knowledge we can begin to decipher the picture in Figure 2. Let's analyze the first few genes Collagen and Collagen degrating. In the control group Collagen's color is yellow and when it's reset is changes orange. Our knowledge of the legend tells us that this gene must have needed to be upregulated. However, the Collagen degrating gene turns from yellow in the control to blue in the reset group. This tells us that this gene had to be downregulated. This process of upregulating and downregulating will occur on all the Youth Gene Clusters.
In all its complexsity, ageLOC truly is the Rosetta stone to anti-aging.
Results after 12 weeks of using ageLOC Transformation kit.
If these are the results of just using the Transformation kit for 12 weeks, imagine what the results will look like after a few years of use? Staggering!
But it doesn't end here.
Wrinkle Iron (Galvanic Spa)
The ageLOC Transformation system will help make you look young, but if you want to even look younger you will use Nu Skin's new and improved patent pending and exclusive ageLOC Galvanic Spa System 2.

If you are you sick and tiered of going to the day Spa, waisting precious time(hours) and money(ave. $143/visit) for a procedure that lasts only a day, 2 at most, those days are over. In as little as 5 minutes, a few times a week, you can give yourself an in-home spa treatment for as little as $8 per treatment with even better results than the day spa.
Why do I say the results with Nu Skin's spa are even better than the day spa? In collaboration with Purdue University, Nu Skin has discovered an internal source of aging on the surface of our cells, an enzyme called age related NOX or arNOX. This enzyme is activated between the age of 20-30 and is most active in the mid 30-40 age group. The arNOX enzyme is a free radical or super oxide generator. These superoxides are responsible for protein degradation, causing wrinkling, dropping, saggy, unhealthy looking skin.
This is one of the reasons why no matter how hard we try cover ourselves from the sun, pollution, environment, and other sources of aging we still continue to age and show signs of it in our face and skin. Well, Nu Skin has found out how to stop this enzyme from releasing its harmful free radicals.
The arNOX enzyme acts as a volcano. Each gyration in the chart to the right represents a squirt of free radicals being released into your skin. As you can see, once the arNOX inhibitor is added the gyrations immediately stop and arNOX activity flatlines.
Nu Skin was not going to stop their. Third-party studies were performed by the University of Stanford, with the help of Doctor Zoe Draelos. Three millimeter whole biopsies were taken from test subjects ranging from ages 21 to 77 and arNOX activity was analyzed. Later, ages were assigned by analysis of the individuals skin structure, tone, quality, texture, pore size, and appearance. The results are as follows:
Have you been to a school reunion an noticed a friend who looks 10 maybe even 20 years older than you. The averages may be 7 years difference but extremes range from someone with really low levels of arNOX being 16 years younger than their chronological age compared to an individual with high levels of arNOX being 18 years older than their chronological age. The end result is an age different of 34 years. Crazy!
Take a look at this lady. Now she only did half of her face with the galvanic spa a few times per week for a month. Check out her smile line...or rather should I say, "what smile line? "
How about this Lady? What happened to her wrinkles? The color, quality, and texture of her skin is incredible.
This lady doesn't even appear to be the same individual. Look her pore size in the picture on the right compared to that on the left. Look how smooth and clean her skin looks now. This is only after a month and a half of using the spa 3 times per week. Botox can't do this for you. Face lifts can't do this for you. Nu Skin can and does. This is what the power of the galvanic spa can do for anybody. Results are guaranteed.
How does the Galvanic Spa Work?
Pre-Treatment Treatment
- During the Pre-Treatment cycle, the galvanic instru- - During the Treatment cycle, the Galvanic Instrument
ment and the Pre-Treamtemnt Gel are NEGATIVELY and the Treatment Gel are POSITIVELY charged.
- These negative charges repel each other, driving the - These positive charges repel each other helping to
Pre-Treatment gel and beneficial ingredients into the deliver key beneficial ingredients into the skin,
skin. including the exclusive ageLOC ingredient blend.
- The Pre-Treatment Gel binds to impurities deep in - The positively charged instrument attracts the
the dermis of the skin. remaining impurities from the Pre-Treatment cycle,
drawing them out of the skin.
True Face Essence Ultra
The ageLOC Transformation kit will make you look YOUNG. The ageLOC Spa coupled with its gels will make you look even YOUNGER. But in order to look your YOUNGEST, you have use the whole system coupled with Nu Skin's True Face Essence Ultra (TFEU).
Also known as liquid gold, TFEU costs $100,000 per kilo to make. TFEU is one of those products that women are willing to give up food for. It's that good! TFEU has a key ingredient in it called ETHOCYN. Ethocyn was discovered at UCLA and took approximately 19 years to develop and 20 million dollars and Nu Skin owns the rights to it. Now, ethocyn is responsible for elasticity(the snap-back effect) in your skin. Here's the studies:
The Company

Nu Skin Mission:
Nu Skin Vision:
The Company:
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